5 Reasons to Encourage Citizen Development at Work

Vivek Goel
Jun 23, 2023


Fed up with the never-ending cycle of back-and-forth in the advancement of applications in professional settings? Is excessive time being expended on devising solutions? Introducing citizen development!

Citizen development refers to the involvement of individuals who are not professional developers but possess the ability to create applications. This is made possible through user-friendly interfaces that enable them to bring their desired visions to life without the need to acquire programming skills.

If you’re interested in comprehending why citizen developers are essential in today’s fast-paced world, we have an informative infographic just for you! Take a closer look and feel free to reach out if you have any inquiries.

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Vivek Goel

Seasoned B2B Marketer | Fractional CMO | Empowering Brands to Thrive Through Strategic Growth, Lead Generation, and Customer Retention